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Search Results for: sugar-phosphate backbone

Sugar-phosphate backbone

Definition noun A structural component of DNA that consists of 5-deoxyribose sugars and phosphate groups involved in... Read More

Nucleic acid

Nucleic Acid Definition A nucleic acid refers to any of the group of complex compounds consisting of chains of monomers of... Read More


Nucleotide Definition A nucleotide is regarded as the basic building block of nucleic acid (e.g. DNA and RNA). A nucleic... Read More

Adenine nucleotide

Definition noun plural: adenine nucleotides A nucleotide wherein the nucleobase is adenine Details Overview A nucleotide... Read More

Uridine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: uridine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of uracil, ribose and a phosphate... Read More

Cytidine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: cytidine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of cytosine, ribose and a phosphate... Read More

Guanosine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: guanosine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of guanine, ribose and a phosphate... Read More

Uridine triphosphate

Definition noun plural: uridine triphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of uracil, ribose and three phosphate... Read More

Phosphodiester bond

Phosphodiester Bond Definition Phosphodiester bonds are the backbone of the strands of nucleic acid present in the life... Read More

Thymidine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: thymidine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of thymine, deoxyribose and a... Read More

Deoxycytidine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxycytidine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of cytosine, deoxyribose and a... Read More

Adenosine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: adenosine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of adenine, ribose and a phosphate... Read More

Thymidine triphosphate

Definition noun plural: thymidine triphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of thymine, deoxyribose and three... Read More

Thymidine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: thymidine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of thymine, deoxyribose and two... Read More

Deoxyadenosine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyadenosine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of adenine, deoxyribose and a... Read More

Deoxyguanosine monophosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyguanosine monophosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of guanine, deoxyribose and a... Read More

Deoxyguanosine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyguanosine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of guanine, deoxyribose and two... Read More

Deoxyadenosine triphosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyadenosine triphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of adenine, deoxyribose and... Read More


Fructose Definition Fructose is a ketohexose monosaccharide with a chemical formula of C6H12O6. It is the sweetest of all... Read More

Deoxycytidine triphosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxycytidine triphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of cytosine, deoxyribose and... Read More

Deoxyguanosine triphosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyguanosine triphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of guanine, deoxyribose and... Read More

Deoxyadenosine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: deoxyadenosine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide composed of adenine, deoxyribose and two... Read More

Adenosine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: adenosine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide made up of adenine, ribose, and two phosphate... Read More


Definition noun plural: polynucleotides pol·y·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌpɒlɪˈno͞o′klē-ə-tīd A biopolymer comprised of... Read More

Guanosine diphosphate

Definition noun plural: guanosine diphosphates (biochemistry) A nucleotide made up of guanine, ribose, and two phosphate... Read More


Definition noun glyc•er•ol, ˈglɪs əˌrɔl A sugar alcohol made up of two polyols derived from saponification of... Read More

Transcription (biology)

In biology, transcription is the process of transcribing or making a copy of the genetic information stored in a DNA strand... Read More


Definition noun plural: dinucleotides di·nu·cle·o·tide, daɪ njuːklɪəˌtaɪd An organic compound comprised of two... Read More

Plant Metabolism

Introduction Plants are responsible for incredible feats of molecular transformation. The processes are always being... Read More


Definition noun plural: mononucleotides mon·o·nu·cle·o·tide, ˌmɒnəʊˈnjuːklɪəˌtaɪd A single nucleotide (as... Read More

Ribonucleic acid

Ribonucleic Acid Definition noun (uncountable), ribonucleic acids ri·bo·nu·cle·ic ac·id, raɪboʊnjuːkliːɪk... Read More


Definition noun plural: mononucleotides ol·i·go·nu·cle·o·tide, ŏl′ĭ-gō-no͞o′klē-ə-tīd A short polymer... Read More

Mature mRNA

Mature mRNA Definition Mature mRNA is the completely processed mRNA molecule in the cell of eukaryotes. The mRNA is a type... Read More


A molecule is an electrically neutral, group of atoms that can exist alone in a free state while its characteristic... Read More


Mutagen Definition What is a mutagen? A mutagen is a substance or agent that causes DNA impairment that results in the... Read More


Pyruvate Definition Pyruvates have been often recognized as one of the most important molecules that are frequently... Read More

Transfer ribonucleic acid

Definition noun plural: transfer ribonucleic acids trans•fer ri•bo•nu•cle•ic ac•id, ˈtɹænsfɝ... Read More

Light-independent reaction

The process of photosynthesis is a biological procedure in which plants produce oxygen and energy (sugar) by using light... Read More

Precursor mRNA

Definition noun plural: precursor mRNAs An immature or incompletely processed mRNA molecule in eukaryotes that needs to be... Read More

Protein synthesis

Protein synthesis is the process of creating protein molecules. In biological systems, it involves amino acid synthesis,... Read More